refer case




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1·In this section I will offer a few case studies, and I will refer to the above rules using abbreviations (i.e., R1, R8) whenever they are relevant for the case study.
在本小节中,我将提供一些案例研究,并且当这些案例研究中涉及到我们前面所提到的规则时,我将使用缩写形式(例如:R 1、R8)表示它们。
2·Note: in case no attributes appear in the drop-down refer to Troubleshooting section for a work-around or verify LDAP permissions of the BC in a third party LDAP browser tool.
3·The people take their cases first to the local commander, then if he can't rule on the case, he will refer it to the Committee.
4·Please refer to Rational SOMA itself for information regarding the Use Case Driven Business Modeling practice.
请参考Rational SOMA本身关于用例驱动的业务建模实践方法的信息。
5·If this is not the case, refer to the Resources section of this article for a list of Sametime plug-in development articles to get you started developing plug-ins.
6·The repure command updates the instrumented program to refer to system libraries for the current machine -- in this case, the remote machine where the program will run.
repure 命令对所装备的程序进行更新,让其引用当前机器的系统库 —— 在此情况下,是程序运行所在的远程机器。
7·In this case, "Other" could refer to those custom domains we previously mentioned, specific company or university domains, or less mainstream domains, like Comcast or NetZero.
8·And if our sentence is true then Santa does not exist, in which case the name "Santa" does not refer to any actual thing.
9·Refer to the Case scenarios section for more detailed examples.
10·Case sensitivity is sometimes difficult for SQL programmers to remember, as SQL query syntax permits them to use "zip," "zip," and "zip" to refer to the same column name.
SQL程序员有时候很难记住大小写敏感这一点,因为SQL查询语法允许使用“ zip ”、“ zip ”和“ zip ”来引用同一个列名。
更新时间:2025-03-10 03:36