1·On this basis, set up a referral system, database system is the core of the health care system.
2·Objective analyzing the influencing factors on the dual referral will of patients to provide information for perfecting the dual referral system.
3·This requires a regular house-by-house or family-by-family assessment, usually made by public health workers operating through a referral system.
4·There is a system of referral by which the specialists can see fewer patients, but much of the burden can be handled by the primary care, ” said Saxena.
5·There is a system of referral by which the specialists can see fewer patients, but much of the burden can be handled by the primary care, "said Saxena."
6·The current Referral Web system USES the co-occurrence of names in close proximity in any documents publicly available on the Web as evidence of a direct relationship.
7·And the establishment of a "two-way referral" system of public platform is a clear community health service institutions and large and medium-sized hospitals of their respective functions.
8·This thesis summed up the deficiencies in related to health system through the in-depth analysis of the dual referral definition and situation.