replacement value




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1·The computer is insure at its replacement value.
2·You are not entitled to the full replacement value of the item.
3·Unfortunately, substitute() expects a fixed string as its replacement value, not a function call.
不幸的是,substitute() 要求使用固定的字符串作为它的替代值,而不是一个函数调用。
4·This is the string that has the appropriate regular expressions matches replaced with the replacement value.
5·The -operation identifies one of six distinct types of operations used to generate the replacement value for the token.
6·For -opt, the value of arg is used as the replacement value only if a value has been defined for all of the listed variables.
对于- opt,只有为列出的所有变量定义一个值时,才能将arg的值用作替换值。
7·For -neg, the value of arg is used as the replacement value only if a value has not been defined for all of the listed variables.
对于- neg,只有没有为所有列出的变量定义值时,才能将arg的值用作替换值。
8·The insurance amount shall be equivalent to the replacement value of the Total Works plus materials, goods and work provided by the Client.
9·Opt — indicating that the value of arg is to be used as the token's replacement value only if a value for any of the named variables has been defined.
10·For example, given the token {-join|&|a,b=bar}, and a value of foo associated with the variable a, the replacement value for the token is a=foo&b=bar.
例如,给定标记 {-join|&|a,b=bar} 和与变量 a 关联的一个 foo 值,则标记的替换值为 a=foo&b=bar。
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:27