request notes




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1·Notes in the change request diary may be important for audit or compliance purposes.
2·Each of these methods works by creating a request document in the Notes administration requests database (admin4.nsf).
每个方法都通过在Notes管理请求数据库(admin4 . nsf)中创建请求文档来工作。
3·The Notes client?s status bar tells you if the request has been queued.
Notes 客户机的状态条会告诉您这个请求是否已经排入了队列。
4·In a Notes session, you need to establish a separate session for each request.
5·For example, when you open a leave request in the Lotus Notes client, the sidebar shows your leave balance.
例如,当在Lotus Notes客户端中打开一个请假请求时,侧边栏显示假期余额。
6·The request for that user went through a pre-Notes 6 server.
对该用户的请求被传递给Notes 6之前版本的服务器。
7·Calls that simply request information could easily rely on a Lotus Notes view, which can be an excellent XML source.
仅请求信息的调用可轻松依赖于Lotus Notes视图,后者是一种出色的xml源。
8·Here's the code we used to connect to the Domino server and request access to the Lotus Notes database.
下面是我们用来连接到Domino服务器以及请求访问Lotus Notes数据库的代码。
9·When the original sender clicks the recall message button from the Sent (or all Documents) view, the Lotus Notes client creates a recall request for the highlighted message.
原发件人单击sent(或all Documents)视图中的Recall Message按钮后,Lotus Notes客户机会为高亮显示的邮件创建收回请求。
10·Last, we issue a request to query the value of the Buddy Notes attribute, which has the key number 90000.
最后,发出一个请求来查询Buddy Notes属性的值,其键编号为90000。
更新时间:2025-02-22 18:56