run series




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1·Students studying for a particular degree will take a series of lecture courses which run in parallel at a fixed time in each week and may last one academic term or the whole year.
2·The best you can do is run a series of benchmarks on a series of different platforms, and look for similarity in the results.
3·That was the idea behind a letter Jahn wrote to his local paper, which had just run a series on police training that played up the combat-like aspects of some of the exercises.
4·This week ReadWriteWeb will run a series of posts detailing what we think are the 5 biggest, most cutting edge Web trends to come out of 2009.
5·The second Airbus Military A400M, known as MSN2, has run all four of its Europrop International (EPI) TP400 turboprop engines in a series of trials after being handed over for flight test.
第二架第二架空客军事运输机a 400m(即msn2)在飞行测试后一系列的试验中,启动了自身全部EPI TP400涡轮发动机。
6·In the Run configurations window, edit the configuration created in Part 1 of this series.
在Run configurations窗口中,编辑在这个系列的第1部分中创建的配置。
7·One of the implications is that “previous Windows mobile applications will not run on Windows Phone 7 Series.”
但其中隐含的意思之一就是:之前的Windows移动应用将无法在Windows Phone 7 Series上运行。
8·The second article in this series will show you how to run the application on your own local WebSphere installation.
9·Iris Today has a two-part series on clustering performance that are important to review if you are running or are planning to run Domino clusters.
Iris Today包含一个关于集群性能的、分为两部分的系列,如果您正在运行或打算运行Domino集群,那么一定要查看它。
10·To run the ReadFormApp project which is contained in this part of the article series only, follow these steps
要运行这个 ReadFormApp 项目(只在系列文章的本部分中涉及),请遵循如下步骤


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更新时间:2025-02-22 00:59