sara lee




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1·You ate the whole Sara lee cheesecake?
2·Sara Lee insists that its capsules do not violate Nestlé's patents.
3·Last month Sara Lee filed a lawsuit against Kraft for making false claims in a hot-dog advertisement.
上个月莎莉(Sara Lee)就卡夫食品(Kraft)的一条热狗广告发起虚假广告诉讼。
4·Sara Lee took its chief executive, Brenda Barnes, and Kraft pinched Ms Rosenfeld from the food giant.
Sara Lee公司撬了百事的首席执行官布伦达·巴恩斯,卡夫从这位食品业巨人手中夺走了罗森菲尔德女士。
5·They are fighting the entry of Sara Lee and Mr. Gaillard, and they are also working on new patents and a new kind of machine for the future.
他们正在对抗SLE公司和凯纳德的公司的竞争。 同时,雀巢还在开发新的专利并研发新型咖啡机。
6·Last week alone, Bank of America Corp. , tool maker Stanley Works and Sara Lee Corp. , known for food brands such as Jimmy Dean and Hillshire Farm, announced job cuts.
7·Asked Worn, whose customers include the Winn-Dixie and Publix grocery chains, big-box stores Sam's Club and Costco, and food manufacturers such as Russell Stover and Sara Lee.
8·We spent Christmas Day with my friend from Oxford, Sara Maitland, and her husband, Donald Lee, an American who had become a priest in the Church of England.
我们与我在牛津的朋友萨拉.梅特兰以及她的丈夫唐纳德.李共度圣诞节。 唐纳德.李是一个美国人,他成了一位英国国教会神父。
更新时间:2025-03-26 06:55