serving side




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1·A player of the serving side shall serve from the right service court when the serving side has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.
2·The local hotdog stand is a fixture on city squares throughout the old center, serving a variety of hotdogs and pickled side dishes.
3·The flip side is that, in contrast to normal page requests, the portal does not provide any default header information for the response; all information must be explicitly set during resource serving.
4·Now after clear-the-air talks with Mancini, Wright-Phillips – the club’s longest-serving player – has promised to put his differences to one side and help City in their honours chase on three fronts.
5·The modern and modular four-part dish, with designated space for fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, is accompanied by a serving of dairy on the side.
6·A bit on a potato, inspired by the serving suggestion on the side of the pot that urges me to try horseradish mash, is less successful.
7·If we look strictly at the WSDL side, the Web services definition encourages a relationship that is more of a service provider serving an anonymous service requester.
如果我们严格地看待WSDL, Web服务定义鼓励有这样一种关系,它更多的是服务提供者服务匿名的服务请求者。
8·Thus, even if there are multiple ISPs serving the sender side, you can add them, separated by commas, to the CONNAME Settings of the requester channel.
9·With the browser serving as the primary platform for most Web applications, the task of developing advanced client-side functionality has been extremely difficult.
10·The local hotdog stand is a fixture on city squares throughout the old center, serving a variety of hotdogs and pickled side dishes with a warm corner-meeting-place atmosphere.
在维也纳,热狗摊是整个老城区中心广场的固定设施,它们提供各种热狗、腌渍小菜,很适合周围温暖的气氛(with a warm corner-meeting-place atmosphere)。
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:06