setting agent




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1·Uses: Mainly used as decolorizer setting agent and high grade polishing powder for making glass.
用途: 主要用于玻璃脱色剂、澄清剂,高级抛光粉材料。
2·Uses: Mainly used as decolorizer setting agent and high grade polishing powder for making glass. It is also used in the ceramic, electronic and the catalytic industries etc.
用途: 主要用于玻璃脱色剂、澄清剂,高级抛光粉材料。还应用于陶瓷、电子、化工催化等工业中。
3·The reason for this is that the channel agent will preserve the contents of the message descriptor by setting all the fields to match the message from the sending queue manager.
4·The agent private memory can be increased by moving the instance Shared memory to a higher address by setting the DB2DBMSADDR DB2 registry variable.
我们可以通过设置DB2DBMSADDR DB 2注册表变量,将实例共享内存移到更高的地址,从而增加代理私有内存。
5·You can use the Agent setting in a transitional mail cluster with mixed versions of Lotus Domino, when at least one of the servers has a Lotus Domino 7.x or earlier release.
当至少其中一个服务器是Lotus Domino 7 . x或更早版本时,可以在具有混合版本的Lotus Domino的过渡邮件集群中使用Agent设置。
6·The Mobile Device User Agent Keywords setting determines when to display an alternate login screen that is more suitable for narrow-width browsers.
Mobile Device User Agent Keywords 设置确定何时显示一个更加适合窄屏浏览器的备用登录屏幕。
7·Setting up and verifying the SNMP agent.
8·I signal a Semantic Web agent to the server with the header setting -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml", which means the user agent expects an RDF response.
我通过头部设置 -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" 向服务器给出 Semantic Web 代理的信号,这样的头部设置表明用户代理期待的是一个 RDF 响应。
9·Even more powerful is the Custom agent setting.
Custom agent设置就更加强大了。
10·This agent begins by setting up the standard variables.
更新时间:2025-03-28 15:58