shadow chancellor




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1·Alistair Darling, the shadow chancellor, said: "Nick Clegg is talking nonsense."
2·George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, said: "Mervyn King's speech is powerful and persuasive."
影子大臣乔治·奥斯(George Osborn)称:“默文·金的讲话强大而有说服力。”
3·Shadow chancellor George Osborne said the real test of the measure would be whether lending was resumed.
影子财相乔治(George Osborne)表示,措施的正真考验是,贷款会否得到恢复。
4·The shadow chancellor, George Osborne, has also been asked to provide copies of his mortgage interest statements.
而影子大臣乔治·奥斯伯恩(George Osborne)也被要求提供贷款利息情况的相关信息。
5·Now, Bagehot would love to hear more from George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, about his plan for cutting Britain's deficit.
我倒是想听取影子大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)更多关于减少英国财政赤字的意见。
6·The shadow chancellor means it when he says he would have preferred a pop career with one of the bands he joined as a youth.
7·It is not hard to find Conservative MPs, let alone Liberal Democrats, who are more scathing about the City than Labour's shadow chancellor.
8·Responding to Brown's remarks, George Osborne, shadow chancellor, said: "What they are talking about is borrowing out of necessity, not out of virtue."
9·Mr Cameron and George Osborne, his shadow chancellor, lead Mr Brown and Alistair Darling, the underwhelming actual chancellor, on the key question of economic management.
10·Had George Osborne, the Conservative shadow chancellor of the exchequer, published his personal ideas for spending cuts, it would have been seen as proof of Tory divisions.
财政部在野党保守派大臣George Osborne已经就削减公共开支问题发表了个人观点,他的观点本应被视作托利党的代表。
更新时间:2025-03-26 07:36