1·This way, you can show off your expertise by blogging some helpful advice to prospective clients and referral sources and by answering questions on LinkedIn that demonstrate your business savvy.
2·Finally, a bit of a tradition we've started on RWW Live is to ask our guests at the end of the show to name one web app in their field of expertise (other than their own) which has caught their eye.
3·Talk about your industry, show your expertise.
4·Then one day you can show that most people consider your answers and expertise to be worth it.
5·Use his lack of expertise as a way to shine in your current position and show you are a team player.
6·And I hope to show how we construct useful, practical concept-oriented catalogs for the future, building both on the knowledge and expertise we have in libraries, and on the contributions of others.
7·Trade show booth staff should be assigned a specific area of the exhibit to cover, and should have the expertise to convey important company information to attendees.
8·City must have anticipated that Mancini would show the expertise that brought success to Internazionale, but impact was restricted when only the subdued January transfer window was open to him.
9·Even birds were missing. Shearwaters, so adept at using waves to increase their speed, could not show off their expertise without a wave in sight.
10·The business logo should symbolize your business be expertly designed, and show your expertise in the market.