1·The simple steel grid structurally supports the two level space, where only the bathroom and bed loft is shielded from the main living space.
2·An extruded steel 'nose' provides background audio, while the shape of the Windows spells out simple words in Morse code.
3·Simple body panels made from light alloy and a chassis fabricated from off-cuts avoid the use of rationed steel and the need for complex and expensive press tools.
4·Yet it is very simple: a narrow ribbon of molten glass travels over a moving belt of steel in which there are holes.
5·Despite its refined appearance the building is highly functional and decorative through its expressed steel structure and simple palette of materials: glass, steel and timber.
6·The screen can be as simple as a wall that is painted white, or it can be a complex steel truss structure with a complex finish.
7·Structurally, the roof form consists of simple "a" frame trusses inverted to form a flat roof, each truss individually supported by a steel column.
8·Using self-made carbon steel crucible instead of poroelain crucible is an economical, practical, simple and raoid way to determine the carbon content in cement raw meal with phosphogypsum.
9·The Engineering brief, called for a simple concrete structure without steel & edge beams.
10·Based on the notion of simple mirror-effects on ordinary steel pots the artist realized ideosyncratic ensembles of this kitchenware .