1·The skew angle will infect the drive precision.
2·If the skew Angle is too high, the barcode can not be detected.
3·Push thrust construction, problem and treatment measures of frame bridge with big skew angle in soft ground are described in this paper.
4·The effects of the gradient index, skew angle and aspect ratio on the stability of the non-conservation FGM skew thin plate were analyzed.
5·We use a vectorization algorithm to extract form lines from run length connect graph which is calculated first, and in the same time the skew Angle is detected.
6·Through model test it is shown that in the condition of the same span the value of hammed water is gentler with the change of skew Angle. So the design option is feasible.
7·In this system, the skew angle of the document images is detected with a novel algorithm based on the morphological operation of Hit-or-Miss and the hierarchical Hough transform.
8·In addition, it offers easy installation due to its integrated skew and tilt Angle, ensuring fast installation, commissioning, and reduced start up time.
9·This article presents the calculating formula of the caster Angle of cardan shaft and discusses principles for designing rational cardan shaft in the skew rolling mill.
10·The optimum angle of skew is determined by using the method of skew integration.