smallpox vaccine




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1·Also, the vaccines against polio are not as effective as the smallpox vaccine, which was so powerful that a single vaccination protected almost everyone.
2·The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus, which is the agent of smallpox.
3·The reports included a detailed review of the safety of smallpox vaccine based on historical data as well as recent experience, particularly in the United States.
4·Two expert reports on the safety of smallpox vaccines were presented to the Global Advisory Committee on vaccine safety (GACVS) at its eighth meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on June 11-12, 2003.
2003年6月11 - 12日,全球疫苗安全咨询委员会(GACVS)于瑞士日内瓦举行了第8次会议。会议有两份关于天花疫苗安全性的专家报告。
5·The Committee further noted that if the vaccine is being used in mass campaigns, it would be especially important for smallpox immunization programmes to be supported by adverse event monitoring.
6·An updated account of the safety of smallpox vaccination, was presented to the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine safety (GACVS) at its ninth meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on December 3-4, 2003.
2003年12月3 - 4日,全球疫苗安全咨询委员会(GACVS)第九次会议在瑞士日内瓦举行。会议期间,一份关于天花免疫接种安全性问题的报告被提交给GACVS。
7·The green tones of Royal Park as seen from the Pods and glazed link are used to form an abstracted smallpox virus, acknowledging CSL's historical foundation as the nation's vaccine provider.
8·Smallpox have is bring under control by the use of vaccine.
更新时间:2025-03-09 22:23