splash down




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1·The spaceship made a successful splash down in the ocean.
2·The Apollo astronauts scheduled to splash down at 3 pm local time.
阿波罗号宇航员们预定在当地时间下午3时 溅落在海面上。
3·Both left from Florida, with three passengers, and both were to splash down into the ocean after re-entry.
4·This pressurized water (8 to 10 bar of air pressure) propels the participant 26 ft through the air for a cool and refreshing splash down in a swimming pool.
这股受压水流(相当于8 ~ 10巴的大气压力)将参与者抛到26英尺高的空中,随后,参与者掉入泳池中溅起清凉提神的水花。
5·The first stage, however, is equipped with parachutes and designed to splash down in the ocean? Much like shuttle rocket boosters? To be retrieved by a recovery ship.
6·Located just 3 miles southeast of downtown Jackson, this location is minutes away from Holzer Medical Center, Splash down Water Park, and the Jackson County Fairgrounds.
7·This translates to a six-hour window either side of the expected decay which, based on a range of probabilities, would see the spacecraft splash down in the Southern Ocean.
8·His glides ended not with the usual feet-down splash into the sea, but with a long flat wake as he touched the surface with his feet tightly streamlined against his body.
9·You put your fishing pole down and sit at the water’s edge. You reach down and splash a handful of cool water up onto your face.
10·You put your fishing pole down and sit at the water's edge. You reach down and splash a handful of cool water up onto your face.
1·Located just 3 miles southeast of downtown Jackson, this location is minutes away from Holzer Medical Center, Splash down Water Park, and the Jackson County Fairgrounds.
2·The Apollo astronauts scheduled to splash down at 3 pm local time.
阿波罗号宇航员们预定在当地时间下午3时 溅落在海面上。
更新时间:2025-03-25 21:54