straight flow




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1·The straight flow of the brook formed a ravine.
2·Water discharging in the cathode of PEMFC with single straight flow channel was studied by visualization method.
采用可视化方法研究了直条单流道质子交换膜燃料电池(P EMFC)阴极排水过程。
3·Canvas need to be painted not to hanging on the walls, that must be the spectacle that the call of soul straight flow on canvas.
4·The testing method and data processing procedure for random load on the transmission system of a BED type ball mill with straight flow are presented.
5·Baidu's explanation is that the road straight flow over, and the housing no shelter, resulting in housing is not easy to be broken up together in the air.
6·In the first flood-tide of that joy I paid no heed to the bounds of metrical form, and as the stream does not flow straight on but winds about as it lists, so did my verse.
7·Connect to the switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable (9600, 8-n-1, no flow control) with default no user ID or password required.
用串口直连电缆连接到每台交换机的串行控制端口(9600、8 - N - 1、无流控制),默认下不需要用户ID和密码。
8·Connect to the switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable (9600, 8-n-1, no flow control).
用串口直连电缆连接到交换机串行控制端口(9600、8 - N - 1、无流控制)。
9·We have enabled a full release work flow to produce builds and releases straight from the CodePlex projects.
10·First, connect to each switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable (9600, 8-n-1, no flow control) with a default user ID admin and no password.
首先,用串口直连电缆连接到每台交换机的串行控制端口(9600、8 - n - 1、无流控制),使用默认用户ID admin,无密码。
更新时间:2025-03-31 18:33