1·The price increase for a substitute product will result in increasing demand of a particular product.
2·The model selecting procedure of the substitute product is described, and the performance of the new SCR cabinet is introduced.
3·This chemical contains no naphthylamine substance, and has no carcinogenic effect. It's an ideal substitute product for antioxidant-A.
4·Threat of substitute products: a segment is unattractive if there exists actual or potential substitutes for the product &this place a limit on the potential prices &profits.
5·Concentrative meter-reading system is a high-tech electronics product. It has advantages that artificial meter-reading system doesn't have therefore it can be a substitute product.
6·Two ways of countering this problem is firstly to use egg beaters, a product sold in the United States as a substitute for whole chicken eggs.
7·This article is not a substitute for product documentation.
8·The evaluation for the product design project which has less evaluation information can not substitute the one for the design project which has rich evaluation information.
9·Have you bought an OCL watch, accessories or other product to substitute Octopus Card?
10·The result showed that inhibitor ZC can achieve the level of import product, and can substitute it in industrial equipment.