support declaration




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1·And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.
2·Declarative transaction demarcation in Spring 2.5 or later are supported in WebSphere Application Server using the following declaration for the WebSphere transaction support.
Spring 2.5或更高版本中的声明式事务划分在WebSphere Application Server中受支持,它使用下面的声明提供对WebSphere事务的支持。
3·JDO2.2: Support for "read-only" declaration (previously was vendor extension).
2:支持“read - only”声明(以前是厂商扩展点)。
4·In the current beta, Visual Basic does not support the Shared keyword on a class declaration.
在当前的beta版本中,Visual Basic不支持类声明中的Shared关键字。
5·A Spring bean referencing this declaration would then use standard Spring dependency injection to use the transaction support, for example.
引用此声明的Spring Bean然后将使用标准Spring依赖项注入来使用事务支持,例如。
6·JDO2.2: Support for "dynamic fetch groups" declaration (previously was vendor extension).
2:支持“dynamic fetch groups”声明(以前是厂商扩展点)。
7·You can enlist any existing, non-Ajax enabled JSF component in Ajax communication simply by nesting an a4j: support tag inside of its declaration.
您可以在Ajax通信中采用任何现有的、非ajax启用的JSF组件,方法是在其声明中嵌套a4j: support标记。
8·The implementation may support the declaration of intent through descriptors.
9·And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
10·Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed a declaration expressing support of the treaty during a visit to the Philippines.
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:56