1·Perhaps I should call that venture capitalist back and take that bet.
2·If I am wrong, and the relationship is highly statistically significant, then it might encourage Paul to take the bet.
3·If they don't take the bet, they face the potential of losses in the magnitude of 50% anyway.
4·So if you want to take a bet on market turbulence, you would generally opt for the "realised" part of this swap.
5·And, I'll bet, as his hoe rang on the landlord's clay, his Dad imagined a day when he'd hear his boy take step after crunching step toward anyplace but this field.
6·They often rebound as investors who have gone short (bet on falling prices) take profits.
7·My take is that Apple's bet on vertical integration, which seems anachronistic, is actually a stroke of genius.
8·One lucrative strategy is to take a big bet on a booming economy.
9·I'll bet that you sometimes get an idea that seems odd, crazy or just plain brilliant, and I'll also bet that you often filter these thoughts out and take a more established or safer route.
10·After all, to make that bet, you have to find someone willing to take the other side and bet that disaster will strike and the Wizards will win.