tap changing

[电] 抽头切换



[电] 抽头切换
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1·Under-load tap changing transformer is modeled using a switch function, and the impact of distributed generator outage is included.
2·In engineering design of integrated automation of substation, the display of tap changing switch position for main transformer is to add position transducer in the conventional scheme.
3·Users are able to knock, shake and tap on their Von phone to do things such as checking calls and text messages, viewing RSS feeds and tweets, and even playing and changing music.
4·TAP is changing – New Branded Products launched
葡萄牙航空公司在不断变化进取之中 - 已推出新品牌的产品
5·But they are changing the mix -and charities that are successful in connecting with people in online Spaces have the potential to tap into a new army of supporters.
6·But they are changing the mix - and charities that are successful in connecting with people in online Spaces have the potential to tap into a new army of supporters.
7·The main structure of urban household water usage was in the process changing from water tap and washing machine towards shower bath and toilet washing.
8·In this paper, a transformer tap position tracing estimation algorithm based on turn ratio changing detection is proposed.
9·The paper analyses the current transformer (ct) that secondary winding possesses casing tap, and its secondary connector wiring fault's influence on the ct changing rate.
10·The parameters, structure, design difficulty, solution and test data of 900MVA on-load-tap-changing auto transformer are introduced.
更新时间:2025-02-21 22:39