1·He has fought the fight, won the battle, now the spoils of war belong to him.
2·The story is,Abraham then gives a tithe, a tenth of the spoils of war to Melchizedek as an offering.
3·The boldness and ambition of the Acropolis was funded by the spoils of war, a war that determined the fate of Greece.
4·Captain Gunter probably took the box from the Summer Palace as he saw it as the spoils of war rather than an act of theft.
5·Conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.
6·During lengthy campaigns, Dassyne used the cover of war to add to his personal wealth, adding spoils such as fine art, museum exhibits and entire libraries to his already considerable wealth.
7·World war II was, however, more complex than World War I, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources and territories.
8·World war II was, however, more complex than the preceding world war, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources, and territories.