time sequencing




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1·Compared with synchronous explosive and gate, it requires no synchrony and time sequencing to its two inputs, thus extends its application area and improves its reliability of normal function.
2·Many financial and other sequencing events require you to store both the date and time of day; such as recording when a purchase was completed.
3·The rivalry got the job done in double-quick time and stimulated better and better ways of sequencing genomes—to the point where a bacterium can now be knocked off in a day or so.
这种竞争使得这项工程以加倍的速度完成,并促使基因测序的方法益加完善。 现在一个细菌基因组的测定在一天内就可以轻易完成。
4·The sequencing process used allows scientists to create up to millions of sequences at the same time.
5·For the first time, researchers have used whole-genome sequencing to track down disease genes in people who have rare inherited disorders.
6·With the energy sequencing complete in 2012, Timeship Earth will launch her voyage into fourth dimensional time in 2013.
7·DNA sequencing and geochemistry tests can be run at any point in time to analyze the makeup of a well's production stream and depend on the presence of organic materials to generate usable insights.
8·No matter how cheap sequencing the human genome can be, there is always someone promising better results for less money in a shorter time, with delivery starting in 12-18 months.
不管测序人类基因组能够多么便宜,总有一些人承诺用更少的钱在更短的时间内得到更好的结果,在12 - 18个月内开始交付。
9·BACKGROUND: Due to the advanced techniques in sequencing and fragment analysis, DNA sequencers and analyzers produce vast amounts of data within short time.
10·Now the most common method to detect EGFR gene mutations was direct sequencing, expensive and time consuming, which didn't fit clinical screening.
更新时间:2025-03-29 04:40