to feel certain that




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1·It just explains that you feel a certain way and it might be contradictory to what is expected of you.
2·Advertisements are made to make people feel certain that they are true, and then people can buy the products.
3·I am much less certain that it benefits a person not to feel sadness or agony about the normal losses we all experience in life if the person is not clinically depressed.
但如果没有被确诊为抑郁的话,那我对它能否帮助那些因正常失去- - -我们都会在生活中经历——而感到悲伤和痛苦的人就不是那么肯定了。
4·'But the fact that I failed to make it through makes me feel guilty that I couldn't prevent national waste and confusion that are certain to come in the future.'
5·When we get trapped in the mindset that events must go a certain way, or the result must fit certain criteria in order for us to feel secure we do ourselves a disservice.
6·For example, if certain countries had more women in research-related positions, the girls in that country were more likely to do better in math and feel more confident of those skills.
7·"We feel that there is a certain moral necessity to make known the terrible facts," a missionary, Miner Searle Bates, wrote.
“我们觉得应该让人们知道这个悲惨的事实,这绝对是道义上的需要”一位委员会的成员Miner Searle Bates这样写道。
8·Some people feel that this divorce seems to fit a certain trope - of a beautiful but ordinary girl marrying a rich but less good-looking man.
9·I am certain that something terrible will happen to Barbara very soon. I can't explain why, I just feel it in my bones.
10·In a second study that analyzed the development of perspective, she asked 150 adolescents to make decisions about how they would feel and how other people would feel in certain situations.
更新时间:2025-03-29 10:42