1·You will no longer forget the USB Flash disk containing the necessary files.
2·The main development and production of USB Flash Disk, memory card, such as digital products.
3·Our main products are about digital products like USB flash disk, digital photo frame, and Bluetooth etc.
4·A floppy disk may be suitable if you only work with very small files, or a USB flash memory key may suffice for medium-sized files, but neither of these is ideal.
如果仅使用非常小的文件,可以使用软盘;对于中等大小的文件,US b闪存盘可能就足够了,但是它们都不是理想的方法。
5·If you're in doubt, you can use a GPT-aware partitioning tool to set up GPT partitions on a spare hard disk or a small removable disk, such as a USB flash drive.
6·If it fits, you can burn it to a DVD, or you can use USB Startup Disk Creator to put everything on a flash drive of the appropriate size.
要使用这个文件,你就得把它刻录在一张DV D盘片上,或者通过US B启动盘创建器,把这文件的内容装入一个足够大的U盘里。
7·A boot device can be a floppy disk, a CD-ROM, a partition on a hard disk, a device on the network, or even a USB flash memory stick.
引导设备可以是软盘、CD - ROM、硬盘上的某个分区、网络上的某个设备,甚至是usb闪存。
8·To sum up, the USB recovery Flash Disk Utility comes in handy when you want to backup the recovery partition.
当你想备份恢复分区综上所述,US B恢复闪存磁盘工具就派上用场了。
9·Rather than consigning an old computer to the e-waste scrap heap, give it a new, inexpensive hard disk—or just boot from a CD or a USB flash drive (UFD)—and re-purpose the computer as a thin client.
不必将旧的计算机扔到到电子污染废品站,而是为它提供全新的、便宜的硬盘 — 或从 CD 或 USB flash 驱动(UFD)启动 — 并将计算机重新配置为瘦客户机。
10·This paper introduced a single chip microcomputer system in low power ullage based on flash memory disk which core is USB - HOST COMS - chip SL811HS.
本文介绍了一个以嵌入式usb主机接口芯片sl 811hs为核心,采用U盘为存储介质的单片机低功耗海量存储系统。