1·The object oriented method was applied to the modeling of the virtual components library.
2·Conclusion: the advantage of far-origin hybridization can be used to select and obtain the new hybridization breed of high content of virtual components.
3·Under a previous task order, SAIC defined a virtual simulation architecture, implemented common virtual components and modified one Semi-Automated Force to support the virtual simulation domain.
4·ISD provides an integrated, browser-based user interface to common systems management tasks, and a single global view of your total IT environment, including both physical and virtual components.
5·I also have the option of using a blank-slate virtual machine (so to speak), where I can then install these components.
6·Different components of the same product running in different virtual machines.
7·Associated with the instance are the configuration components of virtual CPUs, memory, and local (ephemeral) storage.
8·Now that you are done loading the new plug-in, you can use its components to build a new virtual application pattern.
9·This includes consuming components that are used only in one solution, the ESB that exposes virtual services, and the provider components themselves.
这包括使用仅在一个解决方案中使用的组件,公开虚拟服务的 ESB,以及提供者组件本身。
10·Because of the virtual nature of the SOA component model, many SOA components naturally support multiple implementation technologies.