1·According to the clew information of Baidu, this vocabulary entry is updated at 28 days.
2·In fact, share vocabulary entry editor and criticism, itself also is feeling of a kind of achievement.
3·The vocabulary entry that the netizen wants to let his is collected, must receive the approval of Baidu administrator.
4·You can add vocabulary entry , edit existing vocabulary entry , the link that adds you in proper place makes promotion!
5·Within the core Atom vocabulary, this set includes feed, entry, title, rights, subtitle, summary, content, category, link, author, and contributor.
6·Several elements within the Atom vocabulary are allowed to appear more than once within a feed or entry.
7·Next, just for fun, we threw the entirety of Plato's Symposium into the text entry field and checked out how all the vocabulary words looked in a color-coded tag cloud.
8·Simply install the module as usual then edit the vocabulary or field Settings to enable the new tag entry widget.