war of independence




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1·All these bad things we have to fight against and that is what we are doing since the War of Independence.
2·It's this kind of wealth that allows them to fight this long, hard War of Independence, which they finally win.
3·Following the Irish War of independence and the subsequent Anglo-Irish Treaty, Ireland gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1922.
4·S. , creating a precedent for American English, by 1776, many of the United States after the American War of Independence in English, in turn be used by British English.
1602年,一群清教徒乘坐“梅伊芙拉娃”号轮船移居美国, 开创了美国英语的先河,到了1776年美国独立战争以后很多 美国英语反过来被英国英语所采用。
5·Soon after the American War of Independence, Benjamin Franklin, one of the five drafter of the "Declaration of Independence, "was sent to Paris as the Minister to France.
美国 独立 战争结束不久,《 独立宣言》五个起草人之一的本杰明·富兰克林被派往巴黎出任驻法公使。
6·This well-written, conventional war history raises the question of whether or not the Americans might have lost the War of Independence, and as the author argues, very nearly did.
7·Visiting Cuba in 1895, during its war of independence from Spain, he travelled unperturbed through some of the island's most dangerous territory while writing for the Daily Graphic.
1895年,丘吉尔到了正在为脱离西班牙统治而战斗的古巴,他镇定地穿过岛上最危险的地区,同时为《每日画报》(Daily Graphic)撰写稿件。
8·The land is part of a much larger tract given by the British to their Indian allies from New York in 1784 when members of the tribes fled to Canada after the American war of independence.
该土地是一片更大区域的一部分,这片区域是1784年英国人交给他们来自新约克郡(New York)地区的印第安盟友的,这些部落成员于美国独立战争之后逃到了加拿大。
9·Isaacson's most impressive chapter, a little tour de force of historical synthesis, focuses on Franklin's role during the Paris peace negotiations that ended the War of Independence.
10·After the war of independence, the American people chose the ideality of constitution for 'let freedom reign, take into account order', and then set up a suit of the country's institutions.
更新时间:2025-03-24 02:08