wildcard character




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1·For a list of valid wildcard characters, see the section wildcard character reference.
2·The final wildcard character means all topics that start with Midi/Short/ are subscribed to.
最后的通配符表明所有以 Midi/Short/ 开始的主题都是需要订阅的。
3·Notice in the previous example I used the * wildcard character to download any file matching peb_aud*.
注意,在前面的示例中使用 * 通配符下载与 peb_aud* 匹配的任何文件。
4·For example, you can use a wildcard character called a joker — a dot (.) that matches any character but one at the end of a line.
5·File extensions are preceded with the asterisk wildcard character, and are delimited in the list of file extensions by a semicolon.
6·You can match each character in the string expression against a specific character, a wildcard character, a character list, or a character range.
7·The first step is to create a compatible regular expression out of each query word, although modification is only required if the word contains a wildcard character: *.
第一步是创建与每个查询词一致的正则表达式,只有在查询词包含通配符 * 时才需要修改。
8·By using the underscore (remember the wildcard character in Scala?), you effectively tell the Scala compiler that all of the members inside BigInteger should be brought into scope.
9·An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term, however.
10·Net search Extender supports two kinds of character masking for wildcard search.
Net Search Extender支持两种用于通配符搜索的字符匹配。
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:40