be in breach of




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1·We will not be in breach of contract as a result of any Force Majeure Event.
2·Yet if companies fail to get their accounts signed off by their auditors (or if they are qualified in any way) they may be in breach of their covenants.
3·The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which was not familiar with the company, was worried it might be an unregistered manufacturer, and possibly in breach of safety regulations.
4·Property rights are honored in the breach, and successful companies are careful to conceal the true extent of their profits, lest they be expropriated.
5·In normal times, that would be a glaring breach of Japanese corporate etiquette, but these are not normal times.
这要放在平时,显然就是公然违背日本公司礼仪。 但如今绝非“平时”。
6·In cases of losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has breached the contract.
7·Ensure your company has documented and disseminated to all employees information about privacy and how your organization is compliant and what steps must be taken in the event of a breach.
8·The Rapidly Emplaced Hydraulic Arch Barrier, made of the same material as the other two devices, can be put in place around a plugged breach to keep it sealed and dry once the plug has been removed.
9·The penalty for breach of contract that the worker pays as required by the employer shall be no more than the training expenses caused in the service period unperformed.
10·The amount of penalty for breach of contract shall not be in excess of the training fees as provided by the employer.
更新时间:2025-03-26 07:32