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Tensiometers
张力计
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张力计
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Tensiometers
can
be
made
small
enough
.
引力计可以做得很小。
specifications
for
the
interface
tensiometers
界面张力仪.技术条件
standard
guide
for
measuring
matric
potential
in
vadose
zone
using
tensiometers
拉力计测定渗流区矩阵势能的标准指南
Scheduling
drip
irrigation
for
potato
with
tensiometers
用负压计拟定滴灌马铃薯灌溉计划的方法研究
Measuring
Matric
Potential
in
the
Vadose
Zone
Using
Tensiometers
拉力计测定渗流区的矩阵势能