1·Firstly, it emphasizes the importance and the rationality of the registration of demurrer system.
2·If the party has demurrer to the qualification of the expert witness, like the professional knowledge, education background, he can inquire the expert witness in court.
3·The press will accept a demurrer, but a lie almost always is soon uncovered, and the damageto the reputation of the person who lies-and often to the organization he represents-issevere.
媒体会接受异议,但谎话则迟早会被揭穿。 一旦说谎,这个人的名誉以及他所代表机构都会遭遇重大损失。
4·The press will accept a demurrer, but a lie almost always is soon uncovered, and the damage to the reputation of the person who lies-and often to the organization he represents-is severe.