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Method
of
combinatorial
indicatrixes
for
three
categories
indicatrixes
to
determine
multivariate
medical
reference
range
确定多元医学参考值范围的三类指标组合指标法
Effect
of
Pravastatin
and
Metoprolol
on
serum
adiponectin
and
correlated
indicatrixes
in
patients
with
coronary
heart
disease
普伐他汀和美托洛尔对冠心病患者血清脂联素及相关指标的影响
Medical
reference
ranges
determined
with
percentile
of
multiple
indicatrixes
用多指标百分位数法确定医学参考值
Paying
more
attention
to
study
the
indicatrixes
of
early
diagnosis
of
Alzheimer
's
disease
进一步重视阿尔茨海默病早期诊断指标的研究