1·There are quartz, sericite, muscovite, albite and carbonate in near-ore altered rocks.
2·Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite, aegirine - augite, magnesio - riebeckite, winchite, magnesio - hornblende, actinolite, quartz, albite, rutile and sphene.
主要组成矿物为硬玉、霓辉石、镁纳闪石、蓝透闪石、镁角闪石、阳起石、 石英、 钠长石、金红石和榍石。
3·Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite, aegirine - augite, magnesio - riebeckite, winchite , magnesio - hornblende , actinolite , quartz, albite, rutile and sphene.
主要组成矿物为硬玉、 霓辉石、 镁纳闪石、蓝透闪石、镁角闪石、阳起石、 石英、 钠长石、 金红石和榍石。
4·The associated quartz and albite are also commonly identified as thermal-water minerals.
5·Under scanning electron microscope, barite in these samples occurs as euhedral crystal, co-existing with authigenic quartz and albite with the same idiomorph.