1·Though just an ordinary white towel at first glance, when turned over it has a photo of sand printed on the back that will camouflages and protects your valuables when you go swimming.
虽然第一眼看上去,它只是个普通的白色毛巾,但在另一面印上了沙子的图案。 这样,你去游泳时,把值钱的东西盖在毛巾下,就能有效伪装,保护你的财产。
2·The chiton’s pinkbackground camouflages it from predators as it feeds on coralline algae.
3·But you have to admit that it looks awesome. It effectively protects and camouflages the iPad at the same time.
4·However, dastardly pirate bunny Squint (Green), who is seeking revenge on the herd, steals, camouflages and hides all the eggs.