1·My comment, I don't mean it as a derogatory sense, is that we don't have any All-Stars on our team.
2·Clive Bell defined "implication" of "form with implication" as "mysterious implication", which cannot be understood as derogatory sense.
3·In such a busy world, the word "idle" has got a more and more derogatory sense.
4·Excepting its commendatory senses, tortoise has a derogatory sense. As one man running into difficulties, he resemble shrinking however head tortoise.
5·The original meaning of Nanxi took on derogatory sense, it was used to call dramas before Song Dynasty scornfully by the gerentocratic Yuan people;
“南戏”语义最初含有贬义 ,是元人以统治中心自居而对宋代以降戏文的贬称。