1·Chinese are inside collect, implicative.
2·This paper explores the implicative language style in the advertising creation and translation, and studies its functions in the respects of terms, syntax, rhetoric and culture psychology of nations.
3·The desk lamp of aureate entablement also is communicating implicative costly style.
4·Thick orange filled whole space, it is light, showily, melting still, implicative.
5·His graceful style of SALSA, He smiles with charm, ANTON from France, He USES implicative, fluent, romantic and passionate style, To show strong and gentle side of SALSA.
他的SALSA绅士优雅,他的笑容富含迷人的气质,来自法国的ANTON,将用含蓄而又流畅,浪漫而又激情的风格,来展现SALS A阳刚而又柔情的一面。