1·So, keep in mind that one milliwatt is just the same as saying 1 times 10 to the -3 joules per second.
所以,请记住1毫瓦,和1乘以10的- 3次方焦耳每秒,的说法是等同的。
2·These displays sip power, drawing just one milliwatt in a static state and 30 milliwatts when showing video.
这些显示屏能耗极小,静止状态时能耗仅1毫瓦,显示视频时能耗 [也不过]30毫瓦。
3·This article presents the development of a milliwatt ultrasound power measurement system.
4·These displays sip power, drawing just one milliwatt in a static state and 30 milliwatts when showing video.
5·The sending power 1 milliwatt, promotes the wireless performance until, achieves 15 meter free use, the random 360 degrees regarding the use angle, let you get rid thoroughly "wired" the limit;