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periocline
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Conclusions
:
periocline
is
an
effective
and
secure
delivery
drug
for
treating
chronic
periodontitis
.
结论:派丽奥牙科用软膏对慢性牙周炎是安全、有效的局部治疗药物。
Conclusion
:
Periocline
is
an
effective
and
secure
local
delivery
drug
for
treating
periodontitis
.
结论:派丽奥是治疗慢性牙周炎有效、安全的局部治疗药物。
Objective
:
To
observe
the
clinical
effects
about
Periocline
sent
to
treat
the
chronic
periodontitis
.
目的:观察派丽奥治疗慢性牙周炎的临床效果。
Objective
:
To
observe
the
therapeutic
effect
of
periocline
on
chronic
periodontitis
.
目的:观察派丽奥牙科用软膏治疗慢性牙周炎的效果。
Objective
:
To
study
the
effect
of
dimethylamine
tetracycline
(
periocline
)
the
effect
of
in
periodontal
disease
.
目的:了解二甲胺四环素(派丽奥)在口腔临床中的疗效。