1·In this reaction, it was found that trifluoroethanol and substoichiometric amounts of an aromatic thiol.
2·The results show that thiol can be oxidized effectively by hydrogen peroxide, and adding oxidation modification agent can significantly improve the effect of oxidation.
3·By adopting these technologies, fuel oils with low sulfur, low thiol and low aromatic contents can be obtained.
4·The polystyrene based ion exchange fiber is converted by chelating agent containning thiol, which develops a simple method that can make chelating fiber.
5·Meanwhile, process condition experiments indicate that lower reaction temperature, shorter reaction time and higher ratio of solvent to oil are helpful for oxidation of thiol.
1·The MDA level, thiol content, and total antioxidative capacity of cells were also measured.
测定丙二醛(MDA )、巯基含量和总抗氧化能力等氧化还原相关生化指标。
2·While thiol method was simple but much more time costing for reaction.
3·The vinyl silazane (VL20) is a kind of liquid ceramic precursor. The VL20 and thiol compounds can photopolymerize quickly under photoinitiator and form polymers.
4·The enzyme was not effected by NEM, IAA or NAI modification suggesting that thiol group or tyrosine residues were non-essential for enzyme activity.