1·The ruminal protozoal is the important component of the ruminal microorganism. They influence the digestion and utilization of carbohydrate, nitrogenous material, mineral and vitamin in feed directly.
2·Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a dense nitrogenous atmosphere and is the only place, other than earth, containing stable pools of liquid on its surface.
3·A nitrogenous molecule, either a PYRIMIDINE or a PURINE, that combines with a pentose sugar and phosphoric acid to form a nucleotide, the fundamental unit of nucleic acids.
4·The invention provides a nitrogenous nickel-free stainless steel and a powder-metallurgical molding technology, relating to the field of stainless steel production.
5·Purine a simple nitrogenous organic molecule with a double-ring structure? A 6-membered pyrimidine ring fused to a 5-membered imidazole ring.