1·Horse owners in Dorset, the UK, were perplexed that the manes of their animals had been twisted into plaits, the Guardian reported.
2·Whether it's tight cornrows, pigtails, thick plaits or just extensions, braids always accentuate the shape and beauty of the "dome."
白羊:扎辫是白羊座最好的选择。 无论是紧绷的小辫,清爽的马尾,还是利索的大辫子都可以为你的形象加分,突出整个头发的造型和靓丽来。
3·Daniel, soon after we came in you mentioned three features of the Uygur people - a pretty house, a whole yard of grape trellis and the girls' plaits.
4·Two black plaits hung down on her back.
5·Who 's that girl with two short plaits?