1·This will block the uninstallation process for the data collection infrastructure.
2·When you are finished, the InstrumentationRegistry.xml file will be empty, and data collection uninstallation will proceed.
一旦您全部完成卸载,则 InstrumentationRegistry.xml 文件应该是空的,数据收集的卸载过程就可以运行了。
3·Similarly, ServiceMix allows you to write the uninstallation code that undoes or cleans up the things that your component did during installation.
4·The two targets invoke listapps several times to list the application before and after uninstallation and installation.
两个目标多次调用 listapps,以在卸载和安装前后列出应用程序。
5·This includes clean uninstallation that will remove all installed features and tweaks for real this time.