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unshareable
adj.不可共享的:不能或不适合与他人共享的。
常用释义
词性释义
adj.不可共享的:不能或不适合与他人共享的。
例句
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However
,
there
are
restrictions
about
using
unshareable
connections
besides
increasing
the
resource
allocation
costs
.
然而,除了增加资源分配消耗之外,还有其他有关使用不可共享连接的约束。
It
supports
both
shareable
and
unshareable
connections
.
它同时支持可共享连接和不可共享连接。
If
the
value
of
res-
sharing
-scope
is
set
to
unshareable
,
connections
acquired
from
this
resource
are
not
shareable
.
如果将res-sharing-scope的值设为不可共享,那么从此资源获取的连接就是不可共享的。
Assume
the
resource
reference
of
the
data
source
is
marked
as
Unshareable
.
假设数据源的资源引用被标记为Unshareable。