1·First we put CCD vidicon on fixed point, gather the video picture of sign point on dynamic measured structure by picture gathering card.
在固定点安置CCD 摄像机,通过图像采集卡对处于动态被监测结构物上的标志点进行视频图像采集;
2·Add a vidicon in punch workshop.
3·The image real time collection system are composed of lamp-house, vidicon, image collection card , PC and the image collection program running on PC.
4·The simulation results showed that this algorithm improves the identification speed greatly and realizes the control of shooting Angle for the high speed vidicon, so as to track the target real time.
5·Capacity: 3 Pro digital SLRs, 3-5 zoom lenses, flash lamp, and pocket digital vidicon or camera.
容量:3个单反相机机身、3 - 5个变焦镜头、闪光灯;袖珍数码摄像机或数码相机。