1·The mechanism of yellow phosphorus induced oxidation of phenol in water has been tested with the products analyzed by GC and GC/MS after derivatization to study the reaction pathway.
2·Biogenic amines during the fermentation of natto was detected by HPLC, using precolumn derivatization with DNS-Cl.
3·The fragmentation pathway of raddeanin A was studied by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS/MS) together with chemical derivatization.
4·A method for the enantioseparation of 2, 5-hexanediol by capillary gas chromatography with precolumn derivatization was proposed.
建立柱前衍生化-毛细管气相色谱法分离2,5 -己二醇对映体的方法。
5·Degradation dynamics and final residues of hymexazol in Polygonum capitatum Buch were estimated by GC-FPD with pre-column derivatization.