1·The result shows the new method with geometry meaning definitude and the better effect.
2·Conclusion to definitude effecting clinical factor of tumor extinction, it is important to formulate radiotherapy plan reasonable, estimate prognosis and amelioration survival rate.
3·New postgraduate training unit must definitude objectives, complete the work thoughts, refine training links, strengthen process management to improve the quality of postgraduate education entirely.
4·Objective: to investigate the expression differences of ADAM28 in odontogenic epithelial and mesenchymal cells and definitude the sub-cell orientation of ADAM28.
前言:目的:探讨A DAM28在牙源性上皮和间充质细胞中的表达差异,明确其亚细胞定位情况。
5·A definitude result, whether the target QTL was being among high breeding value varieties (QTL distribution), should be known, which is prerequisite for marker-assisted breeding for QTLs.