1·Further west still was Bumpass Hell, an inferno of bubbling, sulphurous mud and water, with plumes of steam rising up through the delicate crust surrounding the cauldrons.
2·The soothing, sulphurous water bubbles up, then down, through a series of picturesque, naturally stepped pools and, at 37C, your mind will be all that's chilled.
温抚而含有硫磺的水汩汩冒出 向下流淌 经过一系列风景如画、自然形成的阶梯水池 然后到了37摄氏度 此时唯一冷的只有你的头脑而已。
3·Indeed, there is so much molten lava and sulphurous ash around that some of the world's biggest companies have been covered in it.
4·Pockmarked with sulphurous pits, bathed in intense radiation and shaken by constant volcanic eruptions, Io is the fiery hell of the solar system.
满布着硫磺坑洞,沐浴在经久不息的火山爆发带来的强烈辐射中,震动不断。 伊奥(Io,土卫一)是太阳系中炽热的地狱。
5·A great owl, with yellow sulphurous eyes, called to him by his name, but he made it no answer.