1·The team, led by scientists at the IRD Research Centre in Montpellier, France, hope their findings will be used to help prevent malaria.
2·He brings fresh insights to the tale based on material from the archives of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie in Montpellier and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).
3·Artelabo architecture has completed its construction of 'villa temperee', a brilliant white home in a small village near lodeve, north of Montpellier, France.
Artelabo建筑事务所完成了Villa temperee的建造,它是一个在法国蒙彼利埃北部、靠近lodeve小村庄的一栋明亮的白色住宅。
4·University of Montpellier, France, researchers found that grape, apple, and two fruit juices can prevent arteriosclerosis, and anti-atherosclerosis effect of fruit juice is better than fruit.
5·She was awarded a prize by Musica for the disc of Robert Schumann's Concerto and Clara Schumann's with the Montpellier Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Friedemann Layer.