1·The experimental results show that the mass concentration of cytokinin and the composition of the basic media have significant effects on the vitrification of plantlets of Aloe vera L. in vitro.
2·The exogenous auxin and cytokinin are necessary to induced differentiation and proliferation of cells of culture in vitro. 2,4-D is an important hormone of induced embryogenic calluses.
3·Changes of the activity of IAA oxidase, tryptophan synthetase and cytokinin oxidase in sterile anther, leaf and ovule were similar to those of phytohormones.
棉花细胞质雄性不育花药、叶片和胚珠中,IA A氧化酶、色氨酸合成酶和细胞分裂素氧化酶活性的变化与内源激素含量的变化基本一致。
4·The activities of IAA oxidase and cytokinin oxidase were studied during the senescence induced by inorganic nutrition deprivation using detached rape cotyledons.
5·The effects of pre-medium auxin, cytokinin etc. on the callus growth, root and shoot differentiations were investigated. The way of regeneration from callus was studied.