1·Through the evergreens swaying in the breeze, she was watching the couple lounging in the enclosed stern of the large boat tied up to the dock nearby.
透过微风中摇弋的常青树,她看着一对坐懒散地斜倚在密封式船尾的夫妇。 这艘船很大,就拴在附近的船坞上。
2·It's not just the changing leaves that make for a spectacular autumn view. Many people enjoy the contrast of bright foliage against the subdued, constant shades of evergreens.
3·Many people enjoy the contrast of bright foliage against the subdued, constant shades of evergreens.
4·Holiday plants - poinsettias, Holly, mistletoe and evergreens - are dangerous to dogs and cats alike.
5·The road itself is lined with a mixture of trees, some of them light green and leafy, others near-black evergreens.