1·The idea is to oscillate the turbocharger's variable geometry and synchronise it with the engine exhaust to get better energy recovery from the pulsating exhaust flow.
2·I shouldn't have to synchronise my cellphone with my PC when in Bluetooth range-it should just happen.
3·All applications written for Chrome OS will be web-based, although it will allow users to work offline and synchronise changes later.
Chrome OS的所有应用程序都是基于网络的,虽然它也允许用户离线使用,稍后再将修改同步到网上。
4·Mobiles are becoming tools to help people synchronise their different on - and off-line networks, says John Delaney of IDC.
5·This involves stimulating both the left and right sides of the heart, in order to synchronise their contraction.That, in turn, improves the pumping action.